Sunday, October 18, 2009

Raw Felafel Patties

Felafels aka Ta'amia in Egypt are spicy meatballs or patties made with either fava beans or chickpeas.They are popular all over the Middle East particularly in Egypt,Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan where they are eaten any time of day.For breakfast, they are usually eaten with yogurt .For lunch, they can be drizzled with tahina and served with chopped vegetables wrapped in pita bread.Another variation is to serve them with either hummus or baba ghanoush.

I love felafels but unfortunately do not like the fact that they are fried and it seems every recipe I have come across involves this method of preparation.So, I've been intrigued by this recipe I came across.It contains neither chickpeas nor fava beans.Its a raw food recipe in that it requires no cooking and involves soaking.You would need a dehydrator but instead I just set my oven at the lowest temperature with the door slightly ajar.I tweaked it a little bit and finally got around to preparing it this week.

After making these raw felafels, I was surprised by how similar in taste and texture they are to the real ones.If you are looking for a healthier alternative to regular felafels, this recipe is the answer.

6 Servings


3/4 c almonds, soaked overnight, then rinsed

3/4 c pecans, soaked overnight, then rinsed

3/4 c cashews, soaked overnight, then rinsed

1/2 c sesame seeds

1/4 c fresh parsley, chopped

1/4 c fresh cilantro, chopped

1/4 tsp.pepper

2 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp. cumin

1 tsp. salt

1/4 c water

  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and puree.

  2. Shape puree into equal size patties.

  3. If using dehydrator, dehydrate patties for 8 hours until crispy.If using oven method, heat patties at the lowest setting on your oven for 3 hours, turning patties over every hour until crispy.

  4. Serve wth pita bread drizzled with tahina dressing.


  1. This looks fantastic! I love Felafal and this variation sounds amazing!

  2. Thanks.Let me know if you decide to make them and what you think.
